Timber from community managed forests
- Mpingo Conservation Development Initiative
We facilitate trade in logs of tropical hardwood sawn timber which are commonly found in community forests of Tanzania. The timber supplied by rural communities is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) as meeting the highest international standards of responsible forest management, covering legal, social, economic, ecological, cultural and other aspects. The FSC certificate we administer is the only one of its kind for community-managed natural forest in the whole of Africa.
We assure our sponsors and contributors that the money will surely bring a great difference in the lives of trees. .
By supporting the responsible trade in tropical hardwoods from well-managed community forests, and by choosing FSC certified timber, you have contributed to responsible management of the forests where wood comes from, and you made sure the forests would still be there for generations to come.
Why buy timber through our project?
You might also be happy to know that your choice means better conditions for local forest communities contribute to national and Global conservation and economic growth priorities.

And even though the forest’s wildlife won’t be able to thank you personally, you can enjoy your FSC certified timber knowing that together we made sure wildlife was respected and endangered species protected.
MCDI also offer logistical and technical support to timber buyers by liaising with and mediating sales with forest managers(rural communities) and other stakeholders throughout the timber harvesting and traded process . Specifically, we can help buyers to Identify where to source logs in order to meet their quotas.

- Negotiate contracts with village governments
- Obtain Harvest Permits
- Maintain Log Statements
- Arrange log stamping
- Obtain Transit Permits
- African Mahogany / Khaya anthotheca
- African Teak / Milicia excelsa
- Leadwood / Combretum imberbe
- African Mango / Cordyla africana
- Egyptian plane tree / Sterculia quinquiloba
- Brachystegia spp
- Tamarind / Tamarindus indica
- Baobab / Adansonia digitata
- Acacia nilotica
- Gum or Zanzibar Copal / Hymenaea verrucosa
- Amarula / Sclerocarya birrea
- Sterculia appendiculata
- Bauhinia petersiana
- Vitex doniana
If you have any queries, or are interested in buying certified hardwood timber from sustainably managed community forests in Tanzania, please contact our timber marketing manager through email address: timber@mpingoconservation.org You can find out more about the legal procedures for harvesting hardwood timber in Tanzanian Village Land Forest Reserves here.
Tanzania Hardwood Species
The following are some of the most highly prized timbers commonly found in south-eastern Tanzania, and many of them are sustainably harvested and sold by the communities that we support
These other species are less highly prized but nonetheless have good quality timber:
This final group are rarely felled in Kilwa but are felled for timber elsewhere. Some timbers may need careful treatment:
Timber from community managed forests
The following are some common or notable trees found in Miombo woodlands in south-eastern Tanzania: